The Oddest Doctor's Visit

 If you read my blog last week, then you know that I had a bit of a fall moving a set of drawers from my son's dresser. They fell pretty hard across my hand leaving it quite swollen. After seven days, I had finally determined the swelling was not disappearing and the bruising covered my whole hand. I made an appointment for my doctor for Friday afternoon. The nurse's tech/CNA called my name, Everett. When asked if that was the correct pronunciation, I said no but that was okay. As she asked questions I knew she must be new. When we reached the part about medications I take, she asked if I still take I-Ron. With tilted head, confused eyes, I answered, "Yes, I take iron." I'm not sure if she has confused her geography with basic chemistry elements. Maybe she thought iron is pronounced like Iran because it's spelled similar. After the doctor entered and looked at my hand, he mentioned I needed it x-rayed. He then mentioned their x-ray machine was broken, and I would need to go to the hospital for x-ray. I was handed orders and told, "have a good day." After driving to the hospital, I got a great parking spot fifteen feet from the door. As I got out of the car, a little elderly volunteer in a golf shuttling cart did a U-turn and screeched up behind my car. He asked if I needed a ride. I pointed at the door fifteen feet away and said, It's right there." To which he replied, "I can go right there." I felt so bad that this poor man was driving around in the freezing cold with no takers, so I agreed to a ride. I climbed in the cart,only to experience the freezing leather seats. I thought we would pull straight up to the door, but I was wrong. He proceeded to take the circular drive. Meanwhile, all the people who were walking looked at me like I was a worm for being so lazy that I needed a ride fifteen feet. We flew around the curve, while I clung frantically to the cart questioning my choice. He screeched up to the door wishing me a good day. As I think about this man, I smile. He was extremely persistent in helping me. It would have been easier getting there myself, but it would have deprived him of the joy of helping someone. So this season, let people help you when you need it. Not only are they blessing you, but you are also blessing them with the joy that comes with giving.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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