Try the New Maalox-flavored Frosty


During holidays, I always get excited when seasonal flavors are released. Pumpkin spice, butter pecan, and peppermint are great flavors, but there have been some not-so- great flavors. One year, as I walked through Walmart, I noticed a bin that touted the statement, "newest gum flavors." Shoved in the gum  display box was a can of cream of chicken soup. That's a gum flavor I can do without. So when I noticed Wendy's latest frosty flavor, peppermint, I thought, "You can't go wrong with peppermint." However, I was wrong. The color was a Pretty Pretty Princess pink. As I tasted what I thought would be candy canes, I was shocked to taste a mint that took me back to stomach aches, gass, bloating, and diarrhea. Yes, the frosty had the exact flavor of Milk of Magnesia- Maalox to be precise. Now, we are living in a time of inflation. For this reason, I can't order something and then immediately throw it away, so I stomached through it, gagging occasionally. Halfway through, even my cheapness couldn't outlast the nastiness of this confection. I threw it away, making a resolution not to order the latest seasonal flavor just to try it. I'm sure I'll stay true to my resolution, until the next seasonal treat is released. Our world embraces the latest fads, but in embracing fads, we bypass some beautiful traditions. This Christmas, don't get so caught up in fads that you forget the reason behind Christmas. For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son... 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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