Making Room For You


My dog loves squishing in beside me no matter where I am. At night, he'll stand by my bed like a toddler after a bad dream, staring at me. Then there is the gentle nudge with his paw. Nudge, nudge. If I don't respond, then I'll feel a nudge continually every two minutes until I acknowledge him, lift the covers, and let him climb in to be the little spoon. At this point, I am sandwiched between my dog and my husband in a contortionist pose that would impress acrobats and yoga enthusiasts everywhere. I relegated myself to this dog imposed sleeping arrangement long ago; however, it has begun to spread like a fungus to the other parts of my life. I was taking a shower at home, by myself, when the closed bathroom door flew open. I called out, "Kyle?" Nothing. Resigned that I would be facing a Psycho moment, there sat my dog, watching me. It was like my children were young all over again and I was found in my bathroom eating a chocolate bar. There was no place I could go that my dog didn't find me. Now, he has decided my massage recliner is a great place to rest while I'm still sitting on it! I find myself contorting into a pretzel so that my dog can find the peace of being near me. There is a song we have been singing in church that mentions, "I will make room for You, to do whatever You want to." I think of the scripture that's mentions there is nowhere that we can go that God is not there. The highest of mountains-He is there. The bottom of the deepest oceans- He is there." So the question is, "Have you made room in Your life for God?" Wherever we are, He pursues us. He just waits for us to make space in our lives for Him.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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