Road Trip


As we neared the new year, all of my family, except for my oldest, loaded into my daughter's car to celebrate the new year in downtown Dallas, Texas. Every year college students  from around the South-Central area involved in the Christian college ministry, Chi Alpha, migrate to Dallas for a time of worship, inspirational teaching, and fellowship with other college students. We were excited to accompany my daughter, involved in the college ministry, my other daughter, and my high school senior. As we arrived, we met friends who surprised me with a birthday cake. Later, we were able to make contact with campus pastors that are currently at the campus where my husband and I once served. As we caught up, we found out that two of our former students were current friends and supporters of the campus pastors. Sometimes, you are unable to see the true difference you make until much later. All those years ago, I questioned the lasting impact we were making while on campus. We saw students come and go and obeyed God, but as other groups had crowds of students, we always had a few. Getting caught up in the lie that God cares more about quantity than quality has become a way of life in America. If you are wealthy, or have the perfect family, or even as a pastor, if you are in charge of a mega-church, then you must be in the will of God. This is not to say that God will not bless you financially or bless your family. This is to say that we can focus on numbers and lose sight of the "one" that God has placed in your life. The Bible mentions that Jesus is the good shepherd who will leave the 99 sheep to find the one that is lost. It doesn't mean that he neglects the 99 others, they are safely in His fold. It means His focus is on the individual. The same God that knows the numbers of hairs on your head cares about the person more than the hair on the head. He values each person, so when we undervalue our part in the kingdom because we aren't reaching millions, we are devaluing God's plan and love for every human. This new year be faithful with the one God puts in your life. After that one, be faithful with the next. Build relationships that reflect God, and God will change our world.

Have a great new year high-heeled warriors!


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