Why Are the Snakes Still Here?


There's something you should know about me. I hate snakes. They give me the creeps, not so much with my husband. Since we have been married, he keeps finding snakes and bringing them home. A farmer called him once to give him a six-foot, egg-theiving black snake. My husband plopped him in an aquarium and welcomed him in our home. As I cleaned my son's room, I would stare into little beady eyes, telling that snake that I didn't like him. My husband was informed that if the snake escaped and wrapped around my legs while I was in the bathroom, both would regret it.  Later, our cat  noticed a lovely rat in the snake  cage. In catching a snack, she liberated the snake. I did not take the news well. One night, as we were watching television, my husband jumped up, running towards the bathroom. There, wrapping around the toilet, was the snake. Both had narrowly escaped my wrath. In today's sermon, my husband had shared from Numbers 21. The Israelites were wandering in the desert and had begun to complain about the food God had provided them. Eventually, their lack of trust in God and complaining resulted in the consequences of God sending poisonous snakes. If bitten, you died. When the Israelites recognized their sin and repented, God answered by telling Moses to create a bronze snake and lift it up on his staff. When the bitten Israelite looked at it, they would be healed. Notice God did not remove the snakes, He just healed the hurt in the midst of the turmoil. They still had to face the consequences of their sin. We so often think that the way God moves is to take us out of tough situations. More times than not, He doesn't remove the turmoil. Instead, He makes a way to endure hardship. He promises to be with us through the hard times. Our world may face the consequences of its decisions not to follow God, and unfortunately, we are still part of this fallen world. But as it seems that all is falling apart, we can rest knowing that God made a way to endure and has promised that He will be with us, even among the snakes.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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