Advice to my Eighteen-Year-Old Self. Part 3


I found some old pictures from my teenage years, if the glamour shots didn't already give that away. For the last few weeks as I watch my children become young adults, I've thought about what they should know, so I am continuing my advice to my younger self. So my advice to my eighteen-year-old self would be 3) it will get better. There were multiple times in my young adult life when times were hard. During these times, it was really easy to hyper-focus on the negative. Everything became shaded with dark glasses. There were points that I felt like I wouldn't survive the hurt, but it always got better. Sometimes it got a little worse, but it never stayed that way. The best advice I was given was to look myself in the mirror and tell myself what God said about my situation or me. I made a list of ten scriptures from the Bible and read them every day to myself. As I told myself that I was more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, and that as I waited on the Lord, I would renew my strength, I began to believe it. I traded the dark glasses for God's light. I began to see hope and faith replace depression and doubt. And eventually, I always saw God work the situation out for my good. God has never disappointed me. It might have taken time to see what He was doing, but He always worked the situation out for the better. So my advice is to remind yourself it will get better. Just hang on and when you can't see what God's doing, remind yourself of what He's already done.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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