Superbowl or Superbowl Commercials? (Part 2 of Advice to My Eighteen-year-old Self)

Across America, there are two types of people gathering-Team Superbowl and Team Superbowl Commercials. I am beyond a doubt a commercial girl. My brother played football all through high school. He was even the quarterback. Between that and being in the marching band, you would think I knew something about football. You, however, would be wrong. The ball games were the times I hung out with friends, walking back and forth to the concession stand. I never paid attention to the game. Flash forward to now and the same still exists. I spend Superbowl parties talking to friends, and my favorite, watching funny commercials. Some years are letdowns while others are pure gold. At one point, I started cheering for the team with the best uniforms or a player with the best backstory. Either way, many would think this is a waste of a good game. So the next thing I would tell my eighteen-year-old self is 2) Don't get so caught up in the distractions that you miss the big things happening in your life. As a parent of 4 young children back in the day, I found it hard to enjoy the special moments because I was trying to make it perfect, take tons of pictures, or simply, was trying to survive. Birthday parties became vague memories, and I spent more time planning parties and trips than being in the moment and enjoying them. Now, I would slow down and watch the smiles on my childrens' faces, hug them a little tighter, and stop to listen to their chatter instead of focusing on the next to-do item on my neverending list. Now, let's bring this to church. It is so easy to get caught up in the distractions that we lose focus on the main thing. We hyper-focus on the music, lights, lack of these things, style of preaching, or look of the building that we forget the meaning behind church. Basically, we end up watching the proverbial commercials instead of the Superbowl. What is the main thing, you may ask? We gather to bring our worship to the God who gave His son out of love for us. Next, we gather not to make ourselves comfortable, but to share the joy God gives us with those who are struggling. Last, we gather to do something for God because we live Him so much that we want to show Him. The rest fades into the background. So as you gather, remember focus on what really matters. The rest is just commercials!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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