Bugs In Your Garden


Every few months we have a little contest at our church for missions. If the girls give more money, then my husband dresses up in a costume of my choosing and does an illustrated sermon and vice versa if the boys give more. This time, I was given the honor of dressing up- as a ladybug. My sermon was basically about what allows bugs in our spiritual garden. Aphids can show up due to drought. Have you been in a dry patch with God where you're struggling with feeling God's presence? When we don't press in to God and His Word, we dry out like a sponge, but Jesus gave the answer to the Samaritan woman at the well. He said if you asked He would give living water that would never go dry. Is your soil bad? When we allow anger, hurt, and unforgiveness in our hearts, it can ruin our spiritual soil.  How do you repair it? Allow God to remove the contaminated soil or counteract toxins with His Holy Spirit, love, and mercy. Last, has overcrowding let in the enemy in your life? We can become so stressed and busy that we don't leave room for God. We need to let God have our anxiety knowing that He made the world, so that's who is in charge of answering your prayers. He can handle it. So let God remove the bugs from your life by simply asking Him to be more in your life. Don't ask me anything else about plants because I'm excellent about killing them!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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