Have a Little "Peepsi" Cola ( Advice to my Eighteen-Year-Old Self- Part 5)

Just when I thought products couldn't get more weird, something new is released. My son saw a new product just released for the Easter season- Peep-flavored Pepsi. When I saw this, I automatically thought, "This sounds disgusting." My son mentioned he thought it would more than likely taste horrible, but there might be a small chance that it would taste good, so why not? The result? Imagine infusing Pepsi with toilet bowl cleaner or floral floor cleaner. The aftertaste was significant. This brings me to my fifth piece of advice to my eighteen-year-old self.  5) Sometimes what looks bad is actually bad. Stay away from it. Have you ever got that gut-feeling that something was bad news, but you talked yourself into giving in, only to realize your first instinct was correct? I saw this happen a lot as a student when I was taking a test. I would change an answer only to realize I was right the first time.  As a Christian, God has promised a very important gift to believers- the gift of discernment. Big word, simple meaning. It simply means you are able to recognize when something isn't right. In a Scooby Doo episode, the word would be "hinky."  It's recognizing bad things that hide themselves among good things. As a young married couple, we had a man visiting our college ministry group. He mentioned he was a doctor and professor on the college campus where we served. He even had a campus ID. I just got a weird feeling about him that I couldn't shake. Eventually, we found out he was a conman trying to get money from ministry organizations and churches. Why is discernment so important? Because as our world embraces things that don't line up with God's Word, we need discernment to recognize counterfeits to God's direction. The only way to build discernment and recognize counterfeits is to familiarize yourself with the original. Ebay had a commercial mentioning they study name-brand items for hours each day so they can insure you are not deceived by counterfeit products. I've come to realize how important it is to know God's truth so that I don't find myself trapped in the enemies' lies. Seek the truth and ask God for discernment, then you won't find yourself with a toilet-cleaner aftertaste and regret.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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