Senioritis (Advice to my Eighteen-Year-Old Self- Part-6)


As the school year swiftly moves toward an end, both of my sons have begun to look forward to graduating-one from high school and one from college. They both say it can't come soon enough. I can't help but feel the same. It seems Spring Break will take forever to get here. This brings me to advice to my eighteen-year-old self 6) Don't rush the now moments trying to get to the future. We can go us so hard on what we want to accomplish that we miss so many great moments along the way. When my four children were all under the age of five, I remember thinking, "If only I can get them all through sleeping through the night, which led to if only I can get them through bottles or nursing. This led to if only I could get them all out of diapers. The list went on and on. Eventually, I figured out that I missed so many precious moments focused on the future that the present became a blur of survival. I did have the forethought to write down milestone moments and funny things on a calendar which I transferred into a baby book when they were preteens. Yes, it took me that long! So my advice is to slow down and marinate in the moment. Soak in God's presence with you in whatever you are going through. You will look back and be amazed at how present God really was in your storms.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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