Does God Care What Happens to You?


Friday, our ladies' group at church hosted a ladies' tea. I had only attended one tea, so hosting one was a bit of a challenge. The church was decorated, food appeared, then came tea time. The devotion was simple. Does God Care? I shared a passage in Luke 12:12 where Jesus was visiting Lazarus'house in Bethany. A party is being thrown for Jesus. Before this party, Lazarus had taken ill and died (Luke 11). As Jesus approached the tomb of Lazarus, Lazarus'sisters, Mary and Martha, are consumed with grief. Through their tears, they questioned why Jesus took so long that He let Lazarus die. In response, Jesus saw their grief and cried with them. Why would He cry with them when He knew He would be bringing Lazarus back to life? He cried because He felt their pain, even though He knew it would work out okay in the end. Later, at the party, Mary took an alabaster jar of nard perfume, broke it, and poured it on Jesus' feet. This perfume might have been her inheritance. It would provide money for Mary if anything happened to Lazarus. Remember that Lazarus had already died not that long before. Common sense says that you save this costly perfume to sale later, just in case Lazarus dies again. However, instead of doing what most would do, she surrendered her future to Jesus in worship of Him. She recognized how much Jesus loved her and was moved to surrender her life and future to Him. Jesus cares just as much for you as He did for Mary. When you weep, He weeps. Not because He isn't working or helping you, but because He feels your pain. So the question is, "What is your response to His love that stretched all the way to a cross for you?" Will you surrender your future to Him as Mary did?

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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