The Final Dance


This year has been a year of lasts since my youngest child is graduating from high school. Last night was the last prom. My son had decided that he would ask his sister if she would accompany him. He explained that there was no pressure to impress her, and she was a cheap date. It actually made sense. This was Megan's fifth prom. She had accompanied a friend her freshman year, junior prom, senior prom, boyfriend's prom, and a disability prom as a chaperone. So her agreeing to go to this prom was a big sacrifice.  She mentioned that she didn't mind because she wanted to be there for her brother. During the prom, I got the goofiest, funniest picture of the two together. When they got home, Andrew told me that Megan had wanted a fun prom, so he slow-danced with her making goofy faces all through the dance to give her a fun prom. This got me thinking. As small children, I remember the long monologues I would give trying to convince my 3, 5, and 8-year olds that we have to show love and commitment to each other because family is forever. I remember the blank looks as they tried to figure out what the word commitment meant. Then they would blink, shake off their contemplation, and continue to smack each other with Rescue Heroes action figures. As I scanned through the photos of prom, I smiled. I can't tell you how many times I questioned if any of what I said stuck, but as I currently watch my children being there for each other, I realize they get it. Family doesn't mean biological. Family simply means they are there for you no matter how cranky you get. You may not see them a lot, but distance doesn't matter. One phone call, a text, or even a meeting makes it as though you only saw them yesterday. Family means you may not agree with them on everything or even have anything in common, but you love them and are committed to being there for them regardless. I can say my family and I have been blessed with family from our church just as much as biological family. So I challenge you to find your family (your people that will be the first ones you want to call with good news and the ones you want to pray with you in hard times) and commit to being there for them- even if it just saving the last dance for them.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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