The Power of 3 Nails


First of all, I'm sorry about missing last week. I was overcoming being ill and had to rest for the weekend. After rest, I'm much better and ready to discuss this special day. If you believe our world around us, it's about family dinners, egg hunts, bunnies, pretty Spring dresses, and candy. None of those things in themselves are bad. They just miss the mark of the purpose for the whole Bible- redemption. Since Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of the Garden of Eden, there was a divide separating humans from simply feeling complete in God's presence. When Adam and Eve decided choosing what was right and wrong for their life was more important than trusting God to choose, their need to have control separated them from God. We can't be too hard on them because we still do the same today. What happens when God wants you to trust Him but you worry nonstop instead, or He wants you to do something and you refuse? It's choosing the proverbial apple all over again. We can't make the right choices for ourselves. We sin. But God didn't leave man separated from Him forever. When He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, He knew we would choose the apple of personal choice and sin over trusting Him. Yet still, He came. When Jesus was nailed to the cross, three nails held Him there. Three nails are nothing for the Savior of the world. He could have gotten off the cross at any time. It wasn't the power of the nails that held Him there. It was the power of His love for you.  He knew we would choose ourselves, yet He came. He knew we would doubt Him, yet He came. God could have left us alone on this Earth separated from Him, but He knew we needed to feel His presence again, so He came. He stayed on the cross. He died out of love, but my friend, He rose again. He lives waiting for you to simply accept the fact that you need His love. You need to feel that peace that only comes from being with Him. So this Easter, instead of choosing yourself, right to personal choice, and the apple all over again, choose Him because He chose you.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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