What You May Not Know About This Guy (Part 2)

As I watched my youngest child graduate high school yesterday,  I felt mixed emotions. There was the joy that we survived all the emotional ups and downs that coexist with high school attendance, but there was also a sadness that I've approached the end of an era in raising my children. Don't get me wrong. I will always be there for my children and mother them, but our relationships have evolved into a new area of standing back and watching them put what they've learned over the years into practice. So as my youngest took that walk to accept his diploma, I was proud and sentimental. Here are some things you may not have known about my youngest. He is one of the gentlest young men I know. Because of this little kids love him. I imagine the picture of Jesus sitting, surrounded by children wanting to hang out with Him. This is my son. He is extremely forgiving. During much of his school life, he would come home and tell me some of the mean things said to him. You may not know he was diagnosed with a genetic disorder that affects his learning. He didn't always emotionally mature as fast or process as quickly, but he still understood being the butt of many cruel jokes. This at times happened on a daily basis. I wanted to ride to his rescue, but he would tell me not to interfere. He said that I can still be friends, even if they don't know how to. I stood amazed as he constantly saw the best in others, even when they didn't always show it. He still does. When he said that he was determined to do well in school, I watched him study and work hard (remember that with his genetic issues he had to work harder than most) and graduate ranked eleventh in his class.  I watched him spend countless hours teaching himself how to play the piano so that he could connect to his musical family. I also watched him show up early to church every Sunday and work a thankless job of PowerPoint so that others could see the words to worship each Sunday. He has been faithful, forgiving, and friendly. Well done, Andrew! I am proud of all of my children. This Mother's Day, I want to say that I couldn't ask for better children to raise. It has been an absolute privilege, and I can't wait to see the amazing things God does in each of your lives!

Happy Mother's Day high-heeled warriors!


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