Cooking with Dawn (Soap)


We've made it back from our RV vacation, and I've learned an important thing. I DON'T like living in a tiny house! It's all the rage right now, but I like a real shower/toilet. I like being able to sit in my house without being able to touch everyone in my family because they're 3 inches away from me. I like a big, real kitchen. About four days into our travels, I realized there was not enough room to do much of anything, and as I tried to cook dinner on my teeny, tiny kid's play stove, I discovered all the pots and pans were really big. I'm talking large enough to feed a family of eight. How was I supposed to fit three giant pans on a baby stove? As I shoved souvenirs, lamps (because our lights stopped working mid-trip), and everything else you would find in a junk drawer if we had one away, I realized there was not enough room to cook the complex meals we had originally planned. I tried to cook sweet and sour chicken and fried rice. The rice was cooked. The sweet and sour was cooked. As I started on the fried rice, I realized all my measuring spoons were dirty. I started washing dishes while still cooking. It was only after I added soy sauce to the fried rice that I realized that I had added Dawn dish soap to my fried rice! The measuring spoons had not gotten washed! Great! Nothing like a little diarrhea with dinner. My thoughts were, "Should I just try to dig the contaminated rice out and remain silent to my family or come clean?" I did the honorable thing and told on myself. We decided to live on the edge and take a risk. I dug out the soap rice and served the meal. No one ended up sick; however, I also noticed my sons pretended to eat the rice, but didn't actually eat any! My first instinct when things went wrong was to scrap the whole thing and eat out. In life, our first instinct when we encounter conflict is to quit. The problem with that is you miss the blessings that come with working through your conflict, whether that is a deeper, stronger relationship with others, a more open working environment, or a resiliency in life. My challenge to you- when you feel like throwing in the towel, stick it out. Build some resiliency in your life!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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