National Lampoon's RV Vacation

 As summer begins, my family prepares for our family vacation. We chose to take an RV vacation for my son's high school graduation. For my oldest son's high school graduation, we tent-camped from the Grand Tetons to Yellowstone to Mt. Rushmore. On the second day of that trip, a freak hail storm came through and flattened our tent, filled it with 2 inches of water, and bent the poles in half. We duct-taped the poles and limped through the rest of the vacation. For our daughter's graduation, we all agreed that tent-camping was a big no. We decided to stay at a resort. However, COVID hit and everything shut down. We had the choice of Orlando or Los Vegas. Orlando was chosen. Keep in mind that the three young adults are not beach people. We paid $20 in toll booths, drove 1 hour, and paid another $20 in parking. My kids headed to the pier gift shop. I told them to set their feet in the ocean. My girls had never been. They complained about sand in their shoes and getting wet. I finally forced them in the water. We spent 20 minutes at the ocean and 40 minutes in the Burger King. So now, a new vacation opens up. The faucet launched off with a big stream of water prepping the water reservoir. I leaned toward the path of leary on this trip. Isn't that how we are with our walk with God? We base our future on what has happened to us in the past. Here's a little reminder. Each day with Christ is a new day. The slate is wiped clean. That means the past stays there. You may have had a rough past, but tomorrow is a new day with hope and support from God every step of the way. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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