Porta Potty Theology


As many know, my family and I have been experiencing the great American RV road trip.  We've experienced the wonders of Lake Erie, rushing waters of Niagra Falls, the quiet splendor of Panther Lake in New Jersey, and the fast bustle of New York City. We've also experienced stinky septic systems, thrown breakers, black-outs, and a neurotic travelling pooch. As we are forced into small quarters, we have been forced to work through conflict and deal with personality quirks much quicker than when we were home and had the ability to storm off to another part of the house. Where would we storm- three feet away? The trip has overall been really good. We are continuing our journey on toward Maine for camping and hiking. One point of the trip really stuck out. As we crossed Massachusetts' state line, we stopped at a welcome center for bathroom stops. The welcome center was blocked off by chain-linked fence. To the side of the unwelcoming building was a long line of Porta Potti units. This was a very busy stop so I dragged my feet to an almost certain unpleasant experience. I was not disappointed. As I shut the door, I saw very quickly that I would be getting a workout better than wall squats at the gym. Everywhere I looked was coated in what I assumed was someone's urine. I would have skipped but I knew there were no stops for quite a while. Ladies, you know the drill. Don't allow your body to touch anything. When done and thoroughly drenched in hand sanitizer, we were on our way. This is what stuck out. For years, I've heard the statement that as Christians, we are in the world but not of it. Like the Porta Potti, we are surrounded by things that shouldn't touch our lives or our faith may be contaminated with doubt, depression, fear, or anxiety. We may be in it, but we take steps to stay clear if it. So you may ask, "How do you know if it's not good?" First, if the Bible says to avoid it, it's there for a reason. Who should you trust- a society that has no idea who they are or what their purpose is or a living Heavenly Father that knows everything and is trying to eventually get you home with Him? Also, if you feel conviction about doing it, just avoid it. The Holy Spirit is that gentle voice deep in your soul that pricks you and tells you that something is wrong. You can listen or choose to ignore that voice. The Holy Spirit is there to save you from pain. Also remember that God's Word is there to save you, not condemn you. That means He wants the best for you, but it's your choice whether to obey or not. Experiencing the stink of the Porta Potti reminds me that I want to be more like God and less like the stink.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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