What Makes a Good Father?


Since it's Father's Day, I wanted to first shout out to my amazing father. I can honestly say there has never been a moment I have questioned his love and support. We didn't have a lot, but I had laughter as my dad created stories to make me giggle. I had affection and heard, "I love you" every day. Still hear it anytime I see him or talk to him. For this reason, my perception of a loving Heavenly Father remains in tact. All those things make a great dad,. Now, let's move on to the father of my children. I remember when all four of my children under the age of 6 years old got a stomach bug. Let's just say the stomach episodes alternated between each of them all night for two nights. My husband worked three jobs and attended seminary. He was busy and didn't get a lot of sleep anyway, but still took a night shift sleeping on the floor by the kids so I could rest. Move to the present. On our vacation, we visited Maine. It has been over 22 years since Kyle and I had last been there, and our oldest wanted to follow some of our moments from years ago. One was climbing a mountain trail that is one of the more dangerous in the country to climb. I did not want my son to do it alone, so my husband volunteered. Keep in mind he is older, heavier, and has a better concept of danger. They got up at the crack of dawn. I hadn't heard from them in a while and began to worry when I noticed it had rained. This trail goes up the side of a very tall mountain. Eventually they showed and my husband mentioned the terrifying moments of clinging to the side of a mountain with his whole body. Why would anyone do this you may ask? Love for your child. He wanted my son to experience the climb and knew for his safety that he shouldn't do it alone. That is a father's love. God doesn't throw you on this Earth alone. He is with you every step of the way, loving you, supporting you, and pulling you up on the climb of life. So thank you to all the fathers! You make a difference!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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