A Car Ride and a Crime Scene

 There is a unique thing my family enjoys doing- going on a car ride. This started when my children were young. Having four children under the age of five made it rather difficult to get babysitters. Those that were willing to take on that endeavor wanted a lot of money to do it. Because of this,we had to get creative if we wanted to go on a date. This, the car ride started. We would drive around until everyone fell asleep, then we would go through a drive-through and then take turns going into stores. Once my kids were old enough to stay alone, my husband laughed at me when I said I would wait, and he could go in first. After so many years of doing the car ride, it became a habit. So much so that we started doing them as a family for fun. We would see a dirt road and take off. We even extended the road trip to vacations. On a Florida vacation, we took off on a road trip outside of Orlando that had us in a country road in the middle of nowhere. We were able to buy some warm questionable gator jerky. Good news is that no one got a digestive bug. On that car ride, we came across a car on the side of the road with feet sticking out of the car. A police car had just arrived. As much as you want to play CSI (those who watch crime shows know what I'm talking about), we drove on. On our latest road trip, we drove across the country visiting some major national parks. In Maine, we took a car ride around Mt. Desert Island and came upon our second crime scene. As we first arrived, once again, there was crime scene tape and a detour. We enjoyed the deer, lobsters, and trees much more than the crime scenes. What we have discovered through the years is that a car ride equals an adventure. My children now do the car rides on their own. My question for you is, "Where are you on your adventure with God?" Have you jumped into the passenger seat and let Him take you on an adventure? Or are you fighting for the wheel? My husband hates being a passenger because, as a professional driver, he hates not having control of the car. Are you struggling with giving control of your future to God? Or have you not even left the house? I want to encourage you to take that step to let God have control of your future. Yes, you may encounter bad things.  But you will also experience some of the most beautiful things you've ever seen in your life when you let go and let God lead you. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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