Murder Mystery and Your Identity


Tonight, we did a murder mystery party for the young adults in my church. You know that I jump at any chance to get in a costume and act a little so I was very excited. The mystery took place on an airline flight, so we transformed our church into a small airplane with double rows, a big aisle, and even a beverage cart. Part of the players were flight attendants that actually had to serve drinks and food. I got to be the head flight attendant and host of the flight. We had a big array of crazy characters with a 1980's theme. Overall, it was a blast. It got me thinking. This day and age, people struggle with their identity. Just like the players reading who they were supposed to be and how they were supposed to act, so many are trying to discover their true self by acting out social media or what Hollywood tells them to be. They're left feeling like they are playing a part, but unable to find fulfillment and peace. God made you and knew who you were, what He wanted you to do with your life, and gave you the characteristics to achieve that path. That path is where you will find true fulfillment and rest. The best part is that God knows us so well that acting is not required. We can just be ourselves and know He loves us anyway.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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