My Dad's Heart Surgery


First of all, I want to thank everyone who has been praying for my father. Some of you may not know that last week, he underwent heart surgery. He had a major artery cleared a month ago, but a big valve replacement was needed. One doctor said open heart surgery, but another said that a valve replacement through the artery would be better and easier for his body. We prayed for wisdom and felt peace with the doctor who said a valve replacement through the artery. My husband, brother, sister-in-law, and I loaded up and took him for surgery. Of course, we knew that prayers had gone up, and the surgeon was skilled. After all, he performed eight of these surgeries in one day. However, there was still that worry. Then there was the moment where we had to not only trust in the skills of the surgeon, but also the faithfulness of God. My father came through the surgery successfully after only an hour. He has a working valve from a cow! Holy cow! Tonight at our small group, we were discussing why so many doubt the Bible on the platform that it was written by man. Why do we have no problem trusting a 45 year-old who takes a heart apart after 10 to 12 years of school? We trust someone who read books to learn how to control your consciousness during surgery without killing you or waking you up too soon. But we struggle to trust the One who created the human heart, who gave man the brain to understand the body, and who knows what will happen long before it occurs. We trust that the directions in a box will allow us to assemble a shelf, that a recipe on Pinterest will provide a tasty treat, and that the directions on a phone will bring us to our destination. The problem is not about trust. It is about what and who we trust. As I listened to my father sing a worship song immediately following his surgery recovery, I couldn't help but know who holds his trust. My question is, " Does God hold yours?" If not, why? 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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