Been Hacked?

 Some of you may have noticed a strange friend request that was sent out to my friend's on Facebook. I had multiple people reach out to me to let me know that something was wrong. They mentioned that at first, they weren't sure if it was a legit request until the content being posted didn't match up with my character. People noticed it because they have followed me long enough and know me well enough to know I would never post that content. And, yes, that account was reported. Later, my daughter opened a small credit card. She is very conservative with this, so she hadn't even charged anything before she received a message from her bank telling her they thought her credit card had been hacked. She called the number on the back of the card and was asked if she lived in Australia or had traveled there. She notified them that she had not and they put a hold on the card until she could get it settled. The bank recognized the purchase and location did not match up with what they knew about her. Spiritually, we are under the threat of being spiritually hacked. There is an enemy of God that wants to destroy you, but he is unable if we stick close to our Heavenly Father. When we make sure our lives are so connected to God and following Him, we recognize what is real and not about God. In the same way that my Facebook friends recognized the account was not mine simply because they knew me, you can recognize what is not from God by knowing Him. Read His Word and let it soak into your soul. That way, when something fake, weird, or goes against God's Word comes along you can recognize it instantly and refuse to let it in your life. After all, it's easier to block it than it is to clean up the mess later and expose your friends and family to also being hacked.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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