Time to Cut the Grass


One of my pet peeves is having the lawn cut, but the area around the house not getting cut. It's usually just involves getting out the weedeater and taking a few minutes. Over the last couple of cycles of lawn mowing, the weeds around my front step have grown. It's hot and using a weedeater is even hotter than using a riding mower so I've stayed quiet until I noticed the weeds were overtaking the steps. I'm talking to my shins, folks. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went in search of my little electric weedeater. When I bought this, the men in my family laughed for a solid ten minutes about how ridiculous it was. It was compared to a child's toy or a baby weedeater that hoped to be a real weedeater when it grew up. I let them laugh. It was lightweight and easy to use. As I looked at my weedy front step and knew I could knock it out in minutes. That would have been the case if I could have found my weedeater. I searched through the garage where it had been for the last year and a half and around the house. It was gone. I assumed my husband and son had taken it with them to cut my in-laws' grass. After all of that heckling, they took my Tonka weedeater! The grass still needed to be trimmed and what better tool to trim than scissors, so I found myself on my hands and knees cutting the weeds with a pair of scissors. Much longer than necessary and a blister later, the weeds were tamed. Probably fifteen minutes after I had finished, my husband showed up. I asked where my weedeater was. He replied that it was in the shed the whole time. My point? Sometimes we get in such a hurry in our lives to make things happen that we forget to wait and let God move. We end up with spiritual blisters and a short fuse when God was right there ready to help the whole time.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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