Feeling Overwhelmed?


The last few weeks have been crazy in my life. It seemed that every aspect of my life had something going on. As a pastor's wife, I know the words to say,  but I still battle. This weekend, there was a ladies' event that my ladies' group had decided to attend. We were meeting at a certain time, so if course, I was running late on leaving at work. I rushed home to find something to eat quickly. My husband offered his imitation crab meat. Normally, I don't choose that as my first option, but I hadn't eaten anything since a bar for breakfast. Imitation crab meat it was. I arrived at the church to wait, and the rumbling began. Before long, I became overwhelmed with stomach pain. I wasn't able to make it. I did cover myself and laid miserably in bed. I was overwhelmed in pain. This morning, the word overwhelmed came up in church service. Are you feeling overwhelmed? I looked up the definition of the word overwhelmed. It means to bury or drown beneath a large mass. I realized that stomach pain was crushing me, but then I evaluated life in general. I felt the crushing mass of worry all week long. There is a great song that mentions that Jesus is the air we breathe. Think about it. Our breath comes every day because God puts it in our lungs for a new day. If God can overcome death and breathe life in my lungs, can He not lift the mass of worry from my life? What if I become overwhelmed by the goodness of God? What if I lifted my eyes to God when it's hard to breathe and ask for Him to overwhelm me- for Him to cover me with all He is? That is where I want to live- covered so completely that my everything is completely dependent on God.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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