I Can Make It Fit


My husband has a special talent for fitting a room full of luggage in a tiny car trunk. It's like watching a master playing Jinga. However, fitting dishes in a dishwasher or a cabinet becomes a whole different matter. I stand amazed at watching 30 bags of all sizes crammed into my car, but there are only 10 dishes in the dishwasher. When I ask why run the load with only a few dishes, I get the response that the others wouldn't fit.  In my mind, it's a simple task of sorting from biggest to smallest. Now, I don't know if this is a noticeable difference between females and males, or if it's just a difference between my husband and I. I know that I am determined to do as few loads of dishes as possible, and I don't want to hand wash the dishes, so I make them fit. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we are determined. What if we were determined to love others no matter what has happened or how they treat us? What if we determined to be faithful to God even when it's hard? What if we determined that we will make sure God fits in our life, no matter how full it is?

Have a great week high-heeled warriors! 


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