An Introvert Takes the Stage


I had the privilege of being the guest speaker this weekend at a Ladies' retreat at a campground called Rockhaven.
What a blessing it was to get away from the chaos of everyday life and sit and listen to God. As an introvert, when I go to public places, I look for all the introvert safe spaces. First, I look for any dogs. Dogs are always safe spots for introverts. I can talk to people I don't know well when I'm not making direct eye contact due to looking at the dog I'm petting. The next spot is a comfy chair on the periferial of a group. It's close enough to listen and look social without having to be social. I look for bathrooms. They are a wonderful introvert escape option if it gets too "peopley." Last, I look for a familiar face that I can cling to so that I'm not surrounded by strangers. Yes, I did have a couple of familiar faces that brought me comfort this weekend! Some may ask that if I'm so uncomfortable in new places, then why do I do public speaking? The answer is simply this. When God has a plan for your life, you won't find true fulfillment or peace unless you're doing it. God's plans are not always comfortable or what you would have chosen, but they are the only plans that will make you feel complete. Before I speak or perform, I'm a nervous mess. But when I step on the stage, I feel close to God and peace settles over me. What has God planned for you? Think about when you serve God. What brings you that feeling of closeness and peace, even if it initially makes you a little uncomfortable? I challenge you to ask God to keep you in the center of His will, then get ready for the adventure He sets before you. And if it makes you a little uncomfortable, you can always look for a dog to keep you company!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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