Cleaning ADHD

 My church celebrated its 100th anniversary today. In a society where everything is disposable and short-lived, this is quite the achievement. As we prepared for a big celebration, we knew we would have guests from all over coming in to celebrate with us. So we did what everyone does before you have guests visit. We started cleaning furiously the day before. Why is it that you see a mess or project that needs to be done all year and walk past it, but decide when you're in a crunch to tackle every project? I started with our baptistry, since we were baptizing two people. I thought a quick swipe and I'd be done. Two and a half hours later, with nasal passages thoroughly cleaned by the stench of vinegar to remove built-in line deposits, I was done. Don't get me started on the spiders I fought with nothing but a paint scraper and sheer bravery. I moved on to our fellowship hall. Then I suffered from cleaning ADHD. This is where you start to clean one area, only to realize something is in the wrong spot. Then when you take it to its correct spot, you realize that area needs cleaning. Before you know it, you're cleaning four rooms and have started numerous projects. By the end of the day, I had finished all the cleaning, but I did wear myself out with all the jumping around. Bright side? I got my steps in for the day. When I came home, I just sat still for a moment to rest in my messaging recliner. It would melt the tension away.  Then I thought about life. We end up multitasking a ton of things until we feel overcome by stress, anxiety, and worry. So what was the solution that God gave? In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, "...Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It can really be that simple. Go to God. Like I went to my favorite message chair for tension relief, going to God offers life relief. I tell Him my worries, and His Word tells me He's got it under control. I tell Him I'm tired, and He tells me He'll give me strength. So as you come home from a hard day, don't just go to your comfy sweats, bubble bath, or couch. Go to a God who will wash away the stress with His love. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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