Dream Big, Be Faithful in the Small


My husband had a great sermon this morning that I felt I need to pass on to you. If you want big things in your life, be faithful in the little things. They matter to God. So how does this work? A parable told by Jesus mentioned a king who had given his servants money to invest. They were given the money to invest any way they saw fit. Two servants were faithful to use the money and gained more. The king was pleased. The third buried it because he was afraid of losing it. He returned what was given, but no more. The king said because he was not faithful in what he was given, even what he had would be taken. Many may know that my dog has cancer. The vet doesn't expect him to live long. Since we are giving "doggy hospice," I've been generous with the dog food. I did away with the kibble and spoiled him with real chicken, since he only had a few days to live. I wanted them to be happy days. However, we did not expect that changing his food perked him up. Although he is still dying, the new food has added time. Now that I've started the fancy chicken, I can't just stop. We look out for leg quarter sales at the stores. His dinner costs us more in money and time to prepare, but it is worth it because of all the years of loyalty and love he has given me. How much more does God deserve our efforts and time? He has given us more than money and loyalty. He has given us Himself. Now, He asks us to be faithful in the little things, from our time to our faithfulness. Start with the small things for God, and God will bless your faithfulness.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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