Getting Caught Unprepared


Has anyone noticed how random the weather has become? We never know if it'll be rainy, snowy or 100 degrees. It seems that everytime the rain comes, my umbrellas or hooded jackets are in my car in the rain. We got a weather report that cold temperatures were coming this week. I wanted to prepare for the upcoming weather, but I couldn't find my coats anywhere. Well, as the rain poured, I realized all my coats are in the trunk of my car. I stood in the rain, digging through my trunk, and all of my coats were buried under all kinds of junk. I'm not talking about a few boxes and some odds and ends. I'm talking about serious junk. I have a pirate kid's table from work that I use to screen kids. There was a massive can of sweet peas! PEAS! But what took the cake was an open bag of diatomaceous earth. I don't even know the function of diatomaceous earth. I informed my husband that the white powder pouring out over all the contents of my trunk was not mine. He informed me that he had no clue why he put an open bag of diatomaceous earth in my trunk. It wouldn't be that big of a deal, except ALL of my coats are under that white powder! It'll look like I just sheet-rocked my whole house.  So as the weather gets cold, I'll be washing coats. If you've noticed, the events of our surroundings are lining up with Biblical prophecy more today than any other day. Jesus may not return in our time period, but if He did, are you prepared? Is your life where it needs to be with God? Is Jesus so much a part of your life that every decision you make has Him at the center? If not, don't get caught unprepared. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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