Change Is Coming

 I love this time of year when the leaves begin to change colors. Growing up in the lower part of Arkansas, there wasn't as drastic of a color change, mostly because there were pine trees everywhere. When my family lived in Louisiana, we never saw quite the color change as in the Ozarks. Here, as you do something as mundane as driving to your job and your eyes are graced with oranges, yellows, reds, and green. It's quite stunning. The colors give everyone an indication that weather change is coming and to prepare. According to the Bible in Revelations, there are indications that Jesus is coming. We aren't shown these changes to become afraid or obsess. We're shown the things that coming so that we can prepare ourselves. As we see the news, and war reports fill the screen and economic distress spills out of reporters' mouths, our job is not to fear and hoard. Our job is to prepare our hearts and share the news that these things point to salvation. As you see the future unfold, I challenge you to see the signs of change and ready yourself. Change is coming. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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