How I Bagged My Eight-Point Buck


When you live in the South, you know what time of year it is. Yes, Thanksgiving is drawing near, but with that comes deer season. I come from a long line of deer hunters on my mother's side. My uncle and cousins would come in from the woods in camo for Thanksgiving meal and head back as soon as the meal was over. My father, however, had no taste for hunting. He's too soft-hearted to shoot an animal. I take after him. When my brother would go squirrel or bird hunting, I would sneak behind him and warn the birds before he could shoot them. It went something like this."Fly free little birdeys! Choose life!" I was a very dramatic child. I'm not much better now. My son and husband love hunting. They do not love taking me. I talk to much and scare away the prey. Hee hee. Of course I do. When my husband and I first married, he went hunting. One of his quirks is that the first shot of the season always goes wide. After that, he usually gets a deer. He only had one day to hunt and missed the deer. He brought back a little swatch of deer hair where he apparently gave the deer a trim. I mounted the hair on a business card and laminated it, so he could carry his first deer everywhere. He was not amused, so for Christmas, I tracked an eight-point buck- on eBay. After much watching and a ruthless bidding war, my husband gained a mounted eight-point buck for his Christmas. I never left the heated indoors and even watched a movie during my hunt. Since then, my husband has gotten several deer, mostly when he falls asleep. We think the does think his snoring is a buck mating call, but I digress. My husband says the anticipation is part of the thrill of the hunt. What if we anticipated God's goodness like deer hunting? What if we spent days prepping for church, making sure we were ready? Once we arrived, we waited patiently knowing, any moment, God would show up and our needs would be met. What if we told everyone when God showed, posting His goodness all over social media? Look what God did! If we tracked Him, and rose early to meet Him, how would much more our lives would be enriched. I challenge you. Seek God like a hunter pursues a twelve-point buck- wholeheartedly and with everything inside you! He'll give you much more than a trophy on a wall.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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