It Was THAT Kind of Day


Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? Have you seen one of those old TV shows where they start out with the disaster and the say, " yes, that's me." Then they flash back to how the person got in the mess? My show would show me trapped in a big outside dog kennel. Yep, I managed to trap myself in a dog kennel, but it didn't start there. If you are in special education, you know it is the busy season of evaluating, serving, and placing children in the program. It's been a particularly busy year for me, and I know I've been a little scattered. However, I didn't realize how bad until Tuesday came. I had a lot of conferences with parents scheduled. I knew it would be busy, so I made my coffee for that burst of energy. As I drove to work, I dipped my coffee, thinking it was bland. It was at that point that I realized I forgot to put coffee grounds in the filter! I rallied and continued with my day. I provided services in my classrooms for 3 hours, and then drove to Sonic to grab a quick lunch. As I drove, I looked at my shirt. It was inside-out! I had spent 3 hours in 2 classroom with my shirt noticeably on inside-out! Luckily, I caught it before all of my conferences. I discreetly switched my shirt at Sonic, held my conferences, and finished my hard day, or so I thought. As I got home, I took dog food out to my outdoor dog in the dog kennel. Normally, the gate stays open, but not on this day. On this day, it decided to swing shut when my back was turned and fully latch closed. It is very hard to open if you're on the inside. I knew my phone was in the house. I was alone, and I was not going to go Spiderman and leap on the dog house, only to scale over the very high fence. After multiple attempts, I squeezed my arm through the holes in the fence and managed to work the latch free. Finally, the day ended. My take-away: bad days happen. It doesn't lesson the goodness of God. If anything, it emphasizes how much we need Him when it's hard. I hope your week goes cage-free!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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