The Break is Over

If you are in education, you know what the Sunday at the end of the Thanksgiving break means. You try to squeeze everything you had planned to accomplish over the break into one day. I don't know why I make ridiculous lists of things I want to do over a break, but I can tell you what always happens. The first thing I do on day one is sleep in until eleven or noon. By then, half the day was done, so I would sit on my couch and watch Hallmark Christmas movies. On day 2, I would pick a project, then I would plop on the couch and watch more Christmas movies so bad that the plot is the same as the others I had seen. There was always a dog, mean boss, bakery, or evil mother. I still get sucked into the Hallmark world. By the next day, I suddenly realize I am hosting Thanksgiving for a lot of people, so I begin shopping for food and prepping. By Thanksgiving, my easy pace has moved to frantic as I cook everything that is expected at a Thanksgiving meal. One burnt pot of chicken and dumplings and a new pot later, I bask in the joy of family and time together. The next day is clean-up and some Black Friday shopping. The Saturday is to try to recover from the clean-up and shopping. That leaves me with today to get everything done before work tomorrow. Even though I have the best intentions, I end up waiting until the last minute. Do we do this in our relationships with God? We have all these things we are going to do for God, but we get caught up in life and find ourselves putting off what we know we need to do for God? Then at the end of our lives, we rush to be faithful, but time is up. My challenge to you is to remember that life on Earth is short, but life with God is eternal for those who have a relationship with Jesus. Don't get your priorities out of order. Focus on what matters this holiday season.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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