A Counterfeit Christmas


As we prepare for Christmas, everyone has begun the shopping craze to get the perfect gift. One Christmas, I realized how overwhelmed my children were with gifts. They opened one, then threw it to the side to see if the next was better. That was when I changed my giving. I began to buy three gifts. When they complained, I told them that Jesus only got three gifts, and it was His birthday. That usually ended the complaints. However, I started getting caught up in the season. I started giving three boxes, but I would pack the box with goodies. My technicality was that it was one outfit from shoes to shirt. As my children got older and their wants got more expensive, I simplified my giving again and moved on to fun stuff in stockings. We would travel to my parents when my children were young and didn't want to bring all their gifts, so we would open gifts early and only open the stocking on Christmas. It has become a tradition. With the down-sizing and the stocking tradition, I really look for interesting gifts. I thought about Temu, but after seeing some of the quality of things, I changed my mind. My kids asked for a gift that was a little more expensive, but I saw an Amazon product that looked the same. However, once I received it I quickly realized it was a poor replica of what the item was supposed to be. From a photo, it looked great. But when focusing closer on the actual item, the imperfections became much more visible. Prada becomes Proda and Beats become Deats. Once you use the products, the flaws become more than just visual. The materials fall apart quickly. The ear buds lose sound in one ear. After a bit, you realize that it's not worth it to settle for fake. How is your Christian life? Are you settling for the looks, but on closer inspection, the fruit isn't there? You're life falls apart with the wear of life. You find yourself looking the part, but deep inside it's a cheap replica of what God wants for you. Here's the good news, God can take broken and make it completely new. He is the Creator, so He can take fake and make it real. This Christmas, don't settle for a Counterfeit Christmas. Let Jesus change your life into something real.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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