Another Year Older, Another Year Past


As this year quickly comes to an end and a new year begins, I've thought about some of the interesting experiences I've had as I've aged. See if any of these ring true for you, as well. I've experienced a world with no internet and a world where you can live stream anything to anyone. I've lived in multiple decades and two centuries. I've battled neighbors for use of the party-line telephone and used a smart phone anywhere I want, other than under the support beam in my house and in Yellowstone National Park. I've lived through the same clothing trend 3 different times in the last forty-some-odd years. I've watched television in black and white on a massive set that passes as furniture in a living room and owned a television flat enough to pass for a picture.  I've experienced the only dishwasher being me and lived with the convenience of having a dishwasher in my house. I've experienced the time when owning a computer meant paying thousands of dollars for a huge desktop and buying a laptop computer for a couple hundred dollars. I've seen car phones consist of a big bag that takes up the whole center console of a car to being built into the Bluetooth of a car. I've seen the horrors of war, terrorism, and human hatred, but I've also seen incredible acts of kindness and sacrifice for others. The world will continue to evolve and march forward, but some things will always remain the same. If we focus on the bad, we are sure to find it. If we look for the good in our world, we'll see it. The world will change, but kindness can spread from generation to generation if we choose to let it work through. This new year, as the world changes, let kindness be a constant in your life. The world needs it.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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