Christmas Traditions


As our family has grown, we've begun to decide which traditions stay, evolve, and disappear as our children age. One of our Christmas traditions was the Christmas stocking. When we visited my parents,vee didn't want to take all our gifts, so our children would open their Christmas stocking on Christmas Day. Another tradition was reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve and the Nativity story out of Luke 2. The stocking tradition has stayed, along with reading Luke 2. As my kids have aged, we now do a Christmas jam session where we worship together as a family. As our family grows, the jam session gets bigger. But the greatest tradition we have kept is remembering the meaning of Christmas. The world is broken and lonely. God didn't want us or the world to stay that way, so Jesus came to this earth as a baby. That was the beginning. On Easter, we will celebrate the second part. Jesus gave His life so that loneliness and fear is not your future. He is. As we reach out to others and share God's love, let us remember that your greatest gift is that you have a future beyond this broken world through Jesus. 

Have a blessed Christmas high-heeled warriors!


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