Feeling Okay?


If you haven't noticed, there is a lot of sickness going around. Because of my job working with small children, I try to take everything from Vitamin C to elderberry, just to stay above the stuff spread in all the preschools I visit. But occasionally, the icky stuff sneaks up on me. This last week, I blocked sneezes, snot, and runny noses, but at one point, I was hit with a cough I had not seen coming from a little one. I was mid-speaking, so I knew I may fall victim to whatever that child had. By late afternoon, I had started feeling bad. By night, fever had set, and I knew I was out. I missed a day of work but felt better the next day. As I drove my route providing therapy to my kiddos, a receptionist looked closely at me and asked if I was okay. I thought, "I know I was sick, but do I look that bad?" I mentioned being sick and told her I was much better. As I got to my car, I looked in my rearview mirror and discovered the problem. I had switched makeup foundation, not noticing it was two shades lighter than what I normally use. My bathroom light is not bright, so I hadn't noticed how pale I appeared until gazing at the apparition in my mirror. I could've given Casper a run for his money! So my point this holiday is to make sure your face reflects the love of Christ and double-check your make-up before leaving your house!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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