Are You Broken Beyond Repair?


During a break between all of the snow and ice, my husband and I decided to drive down to my daughter at college. Her car had been breaking down a lot, so we drove down and exchanged cars. My daughter had mentioned that her car had died as she was crossing a train track. She heard a train coming and thought of abandoning her car, but after praying, the car restarted. We headed down to take her car to the shop and give her our car to drive. Knowing her car might break down, I prayed it would make it back to our house.  As we drove it back to our mechanic, it stuttered several times and shut off once, but it restarted. The check engine light had not yet lit.  I told the mechanic that I felt it was showing signs of a crankshaft sensor wearing out. This sensor tells the car how much gas to release to the engine. He told me that crankshaft sensors typically will not restart immediately once they go out. Eventually, the check engine light came on. Once the code was thrown, the mechanic said that even though it didn't show typical signs, it was a defective crankshaft sensor. He said that the car should not have immediately restarted both times it had died. I still stand on the fact that when my daughter was stuck in the railroad tracks with a train coming and prayed that God answered. Does your life feel broken down, like there is no way to get going again? Do you feel like your past has defined who you are to the point that God could never want you? Here's the wonderful thing. Just like the mechanic mentioned the faulty part shouldn't have kept running, the world may say that you're faulty and can never be healed or repaired. However, God doesn't work like the world does. He does the impossible. He repairs the unrepairable and mends the broken. He doesn't hold your past against you or define you by what you've done. He simply loves you and sees only Jesus covering you if you let Him. Feel broken beyond repair? I know the best repairman who is out of this world. Give Him a call, and let Him repair you!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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