Baby, It's Cold Outside

With the frigid temperatures sweeping across our area, people are doing everything in their power to prepare. First, there's the run to the store to buy milk and bread. That won't protect you from the cold, but it makes you feel like you're taking proper steps. Next, people winterize the outside faucets and pipes by wrapping them. The next step is letting the faucets drip and opening the cabinets to let the warmth near the pipes. It got me thinking about our hearts. With all the cold, we decided to watch The Hunger Games. As I watched people cheering the deaths of their own people, like it was a game, I questioned how people could become so cold that empathy evaporated like a mist. But as we watch the horrors on the news, we can become cold like the movie. We may not cheer on pain, but we can become desensitized simply because it isn't happening to us. So what's the best way to thaw frozen hearts? Wrap them in the warmth of the Creator of love. Open your heart to allow His love inside. As you sit safely in your warm homes, remember there are people wondering where to find shelter. There are people just hoping for the tiniest relief from pain. Pray for the homeless, love on the broken, and reach into the empathy God gave you and help those around you. It can be cold outside, but it doesn't need to be inside our hearts.

Stay warm and safe high-heeled warriors!


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