Had One Of Those Awwk Days?

 In case you haven't noticed, it's rained so much that I thought I might need to trade my car in for a boat. With all the rain, I've found that I adopted a mindset of rushing everywhere. If I needed to go into a building for therapy, I ran. If I needed to go to the office, I ran or walked fast. If not, I was going to be very wet and cold all day. At the end of one of my workdays last week, I continued my speedy journey into the store. I did my shopping and stood at my car ready to open my car door, only to realize I no longer had a key. Keep in mind, my husband and I are notorious for losing keys. That is why it was very unfortunate that I lost that key. There wasn't another to open the car. After wandering the store like a lost puppy searching for my key, I upended my purse in the parking lot. Still nothing. I was now garnering some suspicious looks, probably like I was casing my own car. I figured as I was getting out of the car, I must have missed my pocket. I called my son to come pick me up, so people would quit giving me weird looks while I clutched Dollar General bags like a homeless person. I called my husband for help. He borrowed a tool from a friend and was able to activate the trunk release. As he was preparing to squeeze through the tiny seat opening like a whale giving birth, he set off the alarm. The cashier heard the alarm, stuck his head out, and told my husband someone had turned in a key. He unlocked my car and called me to come drive it home. My hero! But it gets better...I drove home and pulled forward in my yard to back into a good parking spot. I gave it gas and started spinning! Remember all the rain. My yard had become a swamp, and my car became a victim the the mud swamp monster! My husband pulled behind me shaking his head. I think I saw him mouth the word, "really?" through the windshield. My husband pushed, had friends push, and tried to push with his car. It was not budging. At this point I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry. We called a friend with a four-wheel drive truck. It didn't take long after that and my car was free. Now, I have deep ruts in my front yard, a mud-covered car, and a wounded ego. This week has challenged me that sometimes I get in such a hurry that I miss important details, such as my key falling out of my pocket onto the sidewalk. This crosses into other areas of life. Do you get in such a rush that you're missing out on details in your life- watching your kids grow, time with friends, or spending time with God. Sometimes the best thing we can do is slow down and be present in the moment. Then maybe you won't find yourself locked out and bogged down.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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