Standing Beside the Fire


There are two types of people.- those who cheer when snow falls and those who hole themselves up in their homes until Spring comes. I do not like the cold. My husband once joked that he would love to move to Maine or Alaska. We visited Maine. The moment I saw that the barns that held the wood supply were bigger than the houses, I realized I would prefer not to live there. Anywhere that needs that much wood is way too cold. As a child, I would lean against my parent's wood stove to stay warm. When my rear got so warm that I couldn't stand it anymore, I would move away. Then repeat the process. In my current house, our heat is now electric. However, my downstairs can still be a little cold. Last night, my husband went out for something. When he came home, I was standing two inches from my big screen television. His response was, "close enough?" I have an electric fireplace with my television over it. As the temperature dropped outside, I found myself scooting as close to the heat source as possible. One of the side effects of standing so close to the television is that the picture started looking 3D.  I mentioned this, so my son joined me to check the 3D effect.  I know it had to look ridiculous with both of us standing two inches from the television. It had to have looked like Mr. Magoo watching TV.  If you haven't noticed, our world is getting rather dark. A quick glance at the news confirms this. How do you keep hope when so much bad happens? Scoot closer to the light. The closer I got to my heat source, the warmer I felt. The closer you get to God, the less impact our world has on us. When your focus is extremely close to God, everything else fades. We see His goodness above all else. So if the world gets overwhelming, scoot a little closer to God. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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