A Night to Shine

 I got the privilege to participate in Night to Shine sponsored by the Tim Tebo Foundation. Night to Shine is a special needs prom/ball for all ages. My husband and I  were contacted the night before to see if we could be buddies for two of the guests. I wasn't sure what to expect but was excited to help out. After squeezing into a dress that fit, I waited for my buddy. I had a sweet young lady that was afraid of loud sounds and flashes of light. She asked if I could hold her hand the whole time. I told her, "Absolutely!" We lined up and were called to ride in the limousine provided. My buddy mentioned she had never gone for a ride in a limo, so she was very excited. They filled the limo with guests and buddies and told me they thought they could fit two more. The two on the back seat scooted enough for my buddy to sit, but I noticed a dilemma. There was a three inch spot of seat left by the door. I, however, do not have a three-inch rear-end. The limo driver and I exchanged concerned glances, and I told him I would do my best. He tried to gently shut the door, only to have it bounce off my rear as I sat turned on my side. He shut, the door bounced, and I squeezed. I finally moved to the front part of the three-inch seat, hoping I didn't fall off. The driver apologized and shut as hard as he could. Success! We drove to the front of the venue and the red carpet where a ton of papparotsi were waiting to cheer and take photos. An announcer opened the door to my rear facing out and asked for my buddies card to announce her. I told him that first I had to somehow get out of the car backwards without falling on my rear-end in front of all the cameras and people cheering. I warned the man that it was not going to be graceful, to which he tried to discreetly cover me as best he could. After a slight stumble and quick turn, I made it. My buddy and I walked the red carpet, ate a lovely meal, sang karaoke, and danced the night away. I have to say it was a wonderful night. The guests were treated with such love and honor. It made me think of God's love. He loves every human being equally. You are valued, loved, and wanted. May you feel the same acceptance from your Heavenly Father that we felt at the ball. If you get the chance, volunteer. It will open your eyes at what value really is.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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