Chased by a Skunk

You may not know this little fact, but my neighborhood attracts a lot of skunks. It's probably because we are almost out of town and bordering a large section of woods. Normally, when I venture out at night, I'm very vigilant in spotting any stinky offenders. Last night, I realized late that I had forgotten my Kindle in my car, so I decided to make a quick run to my car. Keep in mind, I'm decked out in my Fashion-geesta pajamas. Yes, they are elegant PJs covered in fashionably clothed geese. Being cold and me being less than fashionably dressed, I moved quickly without taking much note of my surroundings. That is until I beeped my car locked. At that point, I looked across the street to my neighbor's well-lit carport. Among his various clutter, there was a small black creature with a thick white stripe. A skunk! At this moment, I finally focused in on the pungent odor waifting through the air. We made eye contact. How do I know we made eye contact you ask? Because at the exact car lock beep, he began to run really fast in my direction. I began to imitate a baby piglet squealing all the way up my drive-way in geese-covered PJs. As I ran into the house squealing, my husband looked on in baffled wonder. I had beat the skunk! I lived to sleep sweet skunk-scent free sleep. Our spiritual lives can be similar if we are not careful. We can get so caught up in our surroundings and life distractions that we fail to be on our guard against Satan's attacks. We may not notice that a negative thought keeps coming back, a friend from our past tries to pull us back into old life choices, or we simply stop listening to God. At this point, the enemy attacks. So what can we do to protect ourselves? Be on guard.

1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (NIV)

Listen to God's voice through His Word. When you get the gut feeling to run from evil, do it! Don't entertain the skunks in your life; otherwise, you'll end up reeking from their company

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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