One Big Assumption

 I've noticed a couple of things as I get older. The first is that no matter how cool it is around me, when a hot flash hits it's never cool enough!This morning, I found myself sweating while wearing a sleeveless dress. As I watched everyone around me, they were shivering and clutching blankets and coats just to stay warm. The next thing I noticed is that my memory is spotty. While at work last week on Monday, I told my coworkers that my coffee mug, always kept behind my desk on a shelf, was missing. I searched through my file cabinet drawers and all around our break area, but I found no evidence of the cup. I then began to question who would take my cup. Had it fallen off the shelf and gotten broke by accident? Maybe whoever broke it threw it away. Or had someone borrowed the sarcastic mug that said, "I love to stay and chat but I'd be lying." We had noticed strange logins on our computers, so maybe whoever had logged in borrowed the mug. The week continued, and the mug was forgotten. Friday, I had been at my desk typing when a coworker started to warm her lunch in the microwave. She asked us if someone had left their tea in the microwave. I told her to ask another coworker when it suddenly hit me. I jumped up and looked. Sure enough, my mug was sitting in the microwave with a film of tannins floating on top of a very stiff cup of tea. I had made a cup of tea the week before and forgotten it in the microwave! Have you ever found yourself making assumptions about others? The circumstances looked a certain way so whomever must have meant this or thought that. We get angry or offended, only to find out that the other party was innocent all along. The old saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes is true. Until you have been in someone else's head, you can't assume what they are thinking. What we can do is give people the benefit of the doubt and treat others how we would want to be treated. The result will be a lot less of putting your foot in your mouth, or in this case, your cup in the microwave.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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