It's Almost Springish, Maybe? Has Frost Attacked Your Spiritual Fruit?

 When I first started my blog, I wrote about my peach tree in my front yard. It bore one peach the first couple of years, so there was the thought that it was going to be a useless tree that bore no fruit. However, when given time, it ended up bearing several bushels of peaches for multiple years. The fruit was so great that it was weighing down the branches. In the last few years, however, our weather has become rather unpredictable. One moment, it's eighty degrees. Flowers are blooming; trees are blossoming; bees are buzzing. Then you go to sleep and wake up to frost coating everything. By afternoon, you need to turn on the air conditioner. My peach tree has become confused. It blossoms, then the blossoms die due to frost. Because of this, my tree has not produced much fruit., maybe one or two peaches. This year, I wait to see how my tree holds against the crazy weather conditions. Has your spiritual life become like my peach tree? You may be the one that is just starting to bear fruit.  This is the time where you are beginning to absorb God's love. You may not see the fruit a lot on the outside, but you're planting your roots deeply in Christ, so you are firm when winds of trouble come in your life. If you are here, don't focus on the outward. Let God do the work inside you. He's building a strong foundation and will build the rest once your foundation is stable. You may be at the stage where you have been fruitful, and suddenly, the climate has changed. It's a difficult situation around you, and you're struggling to bear fruit. This is where we stand on the promise that God will be with you and will get you through those hard situations. You're foundation is still deep in Christ. He still pours His strength into your roots. You're ability to bear fruit is there, even if it's been on hold for a season. So I challenge you to stop looking so much at the outward and examine your roots. Are they still planted deep and stable in God? If the answer is yes, then rest in Him knowing you're going to make it through because your house is built on a firm foundation! If the answer is no, let God replant you firmly in Him.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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