Suspended in Mid-Air

My husband and I decided to take a little break from our busy Spring break. Since my children were little, we have taken long drives. We did this mostly because we could take turns going into stores when our four children were little, and we had no babysitters. We would drive until they all would fall asleep, then we would get a to-go meal and have our car date. Even though our children are grown, we still find ourselves doing car dates. As we hopped in the car and headed for adventure, we visited a little place called Beaver, Arkansas. It is an island that can only be accessed by the oldest suspension bridge in Arkansas, a wooden bridge that moves as your car drives across it. We could feel the wavy movement both going and coming. After we crossed the bridge, my husband told me about a loaded tour bus that made a trek across the bridge. There is a weight limit, and the bus exceeded the weight limit enough that the bridge had to be shut down for inspection after the bus passing. If I had known this, I would have firmly declined driving across said bridge. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. In our spiritual lives, we get frustrated when God doesn't reveal all of our futures to us right away. But it's a lot like the bridge. If we knew the scary things God protects us from facing or the rough paths we may face, we would refuse to obey. However, when we trust Jesus and keep our eyes on Him, we'll make it across this life into eternity. Anytime someone in movies cross something really high, there is always someone there who challenges them to not look down when it gets scary. My challenge to you is to not look down. Keep your eyes on the author and finisher of your faith. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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