The Importance of a Good Foundation


My husband and I have been remodeling our house over the last two years. It wasn't by choice. It was by necessity. My husband and I have been remodeling our house over the last two years. It wasn't by choice. It was by necessity. A few of years ago, a little part in our shower wall broke soaking our house from the upstairs bathroom to the downstairs bathroom. We came home from work to find water pouring through our downstairs light fixture. After bringing in a company to dry the floors, we thought all was fixed.  It was not. There was still water trapped in the subfloor. We also had a run-off issue with our roof, so water was coming under the house. The two met creating a mess of our floor joists. In case you don't know a lot about construction, floor joists hold up your floors. It's kind of important for any house, especially two-story houses. We had the floors ripped out, dug out the dirt from our house, put in lots of footers to hold up the house, and replaced 32 floor joists. Our dog was really confused when outside became inside. He kept trying to potty in what was once my living room. We now have floors, and we're finally working on finishing details. I've learned the importance of having a good foundation. If it is not stable, built on the wrong kind of dirt, or not strong enough, it'll fail. If you don't inspect your foundation regularly, you may find it crumbling without even realizing it. This world is full of crumbly ground. It's too unstable. One moment, it's one trend. The next moment, it's another trend. It changes too much. But God never changes. When we build our lives on Him, our foundation stays stable and strong. The foundation is simply to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself." If our lives are built on Jesus and what He said, then when we have difficulties with people, scary moments in life, and hardships, we can rest assured that God will take care of it in His timing. It'll be okay, and our foundations will hold.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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