Will You Be the First?


Have you ever been at a public event where they give a slow standing ovation? There's that one person who begins the slow clap, others join in as the clapping gains momentum. Eventually, the instigator stands and you now have a decision to make. Do I join in and stand? You may be one of a few singled out among the masses if no one else stands. However, if momentum grows and you've chosen not to stand, you look like a jerk for sitting while everyone else is honoring this special moment. I always feel that moment of dread as I prepare to make that decision. Friday night, I attended a ladies' event at a big church. It was a packed house as women sang and worshipped God. Everyone was excited and praising loudly. What got my attention was when the speaker stood up in front of everyone and began to encourage everyone to step up their worship. She began to sing with fervor. At this point, I felt the collective moment when the congregation needed to make a decision. Follow her or sit. The whole place broke into greater praise, so great that the congregation drowned out the worship team being broadcast through a loud sound system. My question isn't whether you make the decision to follow or not. We do that when we ask Jesus to be an active part of our life. My question is could you be the first to stand? Could you set the tone of goodness and passion for God in your environment? When no one else sees that person hurting, could you step away from the crowd and pray for them? When everyone else is complaining, could you be the one to speak life and goodness? I heard a phrase when I was young. Will you be a thermometer that's adjusts to its environment, or will you be a thermostat that changes the environment around you. The choice is yours. Will you be the first?

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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