Beauty From Ashes


With the beautiful weather we've had lately, I've enjoyed walking in my backyard. Because we live on the border to a wooded area, we enjoy all kinds of wildlife. As the afternoon sun shown and a light breeze blew, I watched the birds  settle around my backyard. I walked the parameter of my property and noticed an area my husband is clearing. He pushed a lot of brush in a pile to burn. With the crazy amount of rain we've had lately, part of the brush has burned, but part has not. In the section that hadn't fully burned, there was this beautiful flower growing. As I saw this, I thought about how trauma and struggles affect our lives. When it feels like everything is in ashes, we stand on the fact that God is the same God in the good and the bad. The Bible mentions He will turn our mourning into dancing in Psalms 30:11. It also says in Isaiah 61:3 that God gives beauty for ashes and oil of gladness for mourning. If you've felt like your dreams have burned to the ground, God is not done. Like the flower that grew in the burn pile, He's planting something beautiful in the ashes. In His time, you'll see God's plan has always been to restore you to Him.

Romans 8:28  ESV And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a] for those who are called according to his purpose.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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