Guess What This Guy Did!


My oldest son decided to get a dog, Ruger. He is a big, goofy boxer. I wasn't sure about bringing another big dog in the house, but I do love animals, so I okayed it. This dog has been in the middle of everything! We learned that you can't leave him unattended for long, or he will get into something. This was brought home a few weeks ago. My youngest son was trying to eat healthier, so he bought a bag of chicken breasts and asked my husband to grill them for him for the upcoming week. My husband marinated them and carefully grilled them to perfection. While he was grilling, I went into the restroom. While in the restroom, I heard the front door open and close. I assumed it was my youngest getting off of work. A few minutes later my oldest called me, asking about the fire call that had just gone out. Both my oldest and my husband are on the volunteer fire department. I told him that I didn't realize a call had gone out and didn't think anything else about it until Ruger pushed open the bathroom door and walked up to me. As he tried to lick my face, I smelled a distinctive odor of mesquite BBQ. Oh no! I finished my business in the bathroom as fast as I could and rushed downstairs. My husband was no where to be seen. I frantically checked the stove to find the chicken. All that was there was an empty plate that had remnants of chicken. I checked the microwave, thinking surely he put the chicken up when he left for the call. No. I checked the refrigerator. No. My son's new dog ate eight chicken breasts! I couldn't believe it! Here's the spiritual point. Pay attention! We don't always recognize the threat to our walk with God. Sometimes it's disguised in a pretty package, but it doesn't mean it's good for you. So stay alert! Test everything with the Bible. When we stay alert, it's harder for the enemy to sneak in and steal your faith. I've also learned that food cannot be unattended on the counters in our house. Or we end up missing a bag of chicken and end up with a very gassy dog!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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